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Artificial Intelligence - Transforming Industries and Shaping Tomorrow

AVS AI ML Intro (LC)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a groundbreaking opportunity in the field of electronics. By enhancing the performance of virtually any application, AI can serve as a key differentiator for products across diverse industries. As the world increasingly relies on intelligent machines, AI is set to play a pivotal role. People will turn to AI not only for basic information and complex analyses but also as tools that augment human creativity.

Despite its immense potential, AI is a complex and rapidly evolving engineering discipline, which can make mastering it a daunting task. Partnering with an experienced collaborator who understands the intricacies of selecting appropriate data sets, tools, software, and hardware components can significantly reduce development time and mitigate risks.

Effective AI implementation requires a balanced integration of hardware and software, along with the right machine learning (ML) algorithms. Avnet Silica brings extensive expertise in implementing machine learning on the edge, in the cloud, and on-premises. We support our customers in understanding and building their AI-based applications, focusing on:

  • Computer Vision and Recognition Systems
  • Generative AI
  • Machine learning (ML)


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Focus Areas

Surveillance camera wearing glasses. Text reads: We Make you Devices Smarter with AI

Computer Vision (MM)

Computer Vision & Recognition Systems

Enable machines to interpret and understand visual information from the real world, mimicking human vision capabilities. Computer Vision & Recognition Systems can identify and classify objects, detect anomalies, and facilitate advanced functionalities like facial recognition, autonomous navigation, and real-time surveillance.

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Generative AI (MM)

Generative AI

Generative AI is the processing and preparing of information mostly for human consumption. This includes everything from written content to the voice responses of smart assistants.

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Machine Learning (MM)

Machine Learning

Use Machine Learning to learn from data and improve system performance over time without being explicitly programmed. Analyse vast amounts of data to identify patterns, automate decision-making processes, and enhance various applications to improve system performance or predict hardware failures.

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Featured Articles (LC)

Featured AI Articles

Location location location article (MM)

AI/ML and Location, Location, Location

In the last few years, huge leaps in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technology have enabled the incorporation of ‘intelligence’ in a rapidly growing number of products in applications as diverse as GPT tools, IC layout, and autonomous navigation.  The adoption of AI and ML has made such products more powerful, faster, accurate and easier to use.

These examples demonstrate more than just the range of applications that can be aided or enabled by AI/ML. Each also gives a use case of where AI/ML can be deployed – in the cloud, on premise, or at the edge, respectively.

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AI Processors (MM)

AI and the Question of Processors

As transformative as artificial intelligence (AI) has already been in agriculture, medicine, finance, automotive, and elsewhere, there remain seemingly endless future benefits of AI. With no end in sight for the boom in the AI market, vendors of graphics processors (GPUs), general purpose processors (CPUs), neural processors (NPUs) and other specialized AI processors will be fighting each other for market share for years to come.

No single processor type is likely to emerge as a definitive winner, appropriate for all AI workloads, at least not in the foreseeable future. Each type of processor has advantages and drawbacks. As always in engineering, the tradeoffs will balance out differently for each use case. Avnet Silica can provide expert guidance as customers evaluate which processor type will be best for their specific AI workloads.

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Parsing AI (MM)

Parsing AI - Glossary

A good first step toward exploring the adoption of AI technology is gaining familiarity with concepts and the specific engineering terminology associated with them. One of the difficulties with learning about AI is that some of the concepts are interdependent, and terms that aren’t strictly interchangeable can be used for each other. This can streamline verbal communications, but it can be confusing to the uninitiated. Compounding the confusion, any two organisations might have slightly different definitions for any given term. 

Our purpose here is to be neither comprehensive nor fully definitive. It is to introduce the uninitiated to some of the most common concepts and terms in AI.

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Featured Article (MM)

Machines that Learn: A Deep Dive into AI/ML Models and Algorithms

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can be used to pull insights out of huge volumes of information quickly and efficiently. AI/ML can also give machines the ability to process information similar to the way humans do. 

AI/ML can perform recognition and classification, predictive analytics, natural language understanding, and other tasks that are difficult or impossible to accomplish with traditional computing.

These capabilities lead to an impressive variety of use cases: voice recognition, autonomous driving, epidemiology, pharmaceutical design, software coding, financial trading, and more.

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Evolution of Generative AI (MM)

The Evolution of Generative AI

Generative AI is not new. It has, however, recently taken an enormous leap in what it can do, inspiring no little amazement, as well as a bit of alarm.

A popular candidate as the first generative AI is the first chatbot, ELIZA, introduced in the 1960s, which was trained to respond like a psychologist. The subsequent history of AI research was marked by AI “winters” alternating with periods of resurgence typically coincident with some applicable technological advance, such as the introduction of microprocessors or the formulation of AI techniques such as back-propagation.

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Featured Products (LC)

Featured AI Podcasts 

Episode 51: Smart Tech Synergy: Unveiling the Future of IoT and AI

We now live in a world where every device communicates, and every data point tells a story. And 2023 definitely will be remembered as the year of Artificial intelligence. Joining us today is David Ly, CEO of Iveda. They provide global solutions for cloud-based video AI search and surveillance technologies. We'll explore how integrating IoT and AI can revolutionize everything from smart cities to telehealth and advanced security systems.

Episode 50: Demystifying AI in IoT: Real-Time Analytics and Beyond

Together with Mohammed Dogar (VP, Global Business Development and Ecosystem), we'll explore the AI Center of Excellence at Renesas, unravel some common misconceptions about AI in the IoT space, and discuss the opportunities in real-time analytics.

We'll also delve into how technology is evolving in areas like voice, vision, and audio analytics, and how engineers can navigate this AI-centric landscape despite not being data scientists.

Episode 45: Emotion in the Machine: Exploring Affective Computing

Today’s special guest is Nina Holzer. She is a researcher from the renowned Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS and the team lead for 'Multimodal Human Sensing'.

Together, we'll explore the fascinating intersection of human emotions, artificial intelligence, and the future of human-computer interaction. So, tune in as we delve deep into the heartbeats of our machines.

Episode 44: Seeing Beyond the Surface: AI in Defect Visual Inspection

Today, we're diving deep into a technological revolution reshaping the quality control and manufacturing world: AI-based Defect Visual Inspection, or DVI.

With us today is Giovanni Gualdi, the CEO of Deep Vision Consulting, a visionary pushing the boundaries of how we perceive and rectify defects. And Michaël Uyttersprot from Avnet Silica is someone at the forefront of integrating smart solutions into industrial spaces. We will explore the mechanics, use cases, and business models of AI-powered quality control and manufacturing inspections.

Featured AI/ML Products & Solutions

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Whether you have an AI/ML question for our team, or you're interested in one of our AI/ML solutions, you can get in touch with our experts here.


AI On Demand (GBL)


On-Demand AI Webinars

Get instant access to a huge library of AI webinars via our DEEP (Digital Event Experience Portal).

Avnet Silica's DEEP Portal
Power (GBL)


Power - Maximising Performance and Efficiency

AI models and applications require power solutions that are efficient and can maximise performance. Avnet Silica’s experts will help you match technologies aligned with your requirements to deliver the right solution without exceeding your budget

Power modules on a board


SPARK - Smart Parking AI RZBoard Kit by Avnet

The Smart Parking AI RZBoard Kit (SPARK) by Avnet is a demo solution aimed at showcasing the link between parking lot management, electric vehicle (EV) charging, and edge AI technology.

SPARK - Smart Parking AI RZBoard Kit by Avnet
AMD Versal (GBL)


Versal AI Core & Edge Series

Discover the AI Core Series and AI Edge Series, highly integrated, multicore compute platforms that can adapt to evolving and diverse algorithms.

AMD Versal AI Edge Series



i.MX 93 applications processors deliver efficient machine learning (ML) acceleration and advanced security with integrated EdgeLock® secure enclave to support energy-efficient edge computing.

NXP i.MX 93
QCS6490 (GBL)

Avnet & Qualcomm

QCS6490 Vision-AI Dev Kit

The QCS6490 Vision-AI Dev Kit is a new Avnet Embedded kit. Based on a Qualcomm module, it is a complete solution for energy-efficient, multi-camera, vision applications that feature AI.

Avnet QCS6490 Vision-AI Development Kit


MCX-N Series

The MCX N94x and MCX N54x are based on dual high-performance Arm® Cortex®-M33 cores running up to 150 MHz, with 2MB of Flash with optional full ECC RAM, a DSP co-processor and an integrated proprietary Neural Processing Unit (NPU).

Renesas RZ (GBL)


Renesas RZ V2L

The RZ/V2L high-end AI MPU integrates Renesas' proprietary dynamically reconfigurable processor AI accelerator (DRP-AI), with Arm® Cortex®-A55 Linux processors, and dual Cortex®-R8 real-time processors.

 Renesas RZ Board V2L



ST’s STM32MP2 series microprocessors are designed to be industrial-grade 64-bit solutions for secure Industry 4.0 and advanced edge computing applications that require high-end multimedia capabilities.

STMicroelectronics STM32MP2
AVS AI Ml Article Teaser
Servers and windmills
Shaping the future of Healthcare - Avnet Silica's latest webinar series
By Harvey Wilson   -   January 20, 2025
Technical article
With the growing demand for personalised healthcare, remote monitoring, and advanced diagnostic tools, innovative electronics are paving the way for safer, smarter, and more efficient medical devices.
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Coworkers in smart factory
Arduino Pro Q&A
By Harvey Wilson   -   September 16, 2024
Technical article
Below, we answer key questions about the Arduino Pro series, highlighting its role in industrial applications, its capabilities, cloud integration, and the ease of developing machine learning models on the edge.
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AI Vision - Human eye with graphics and code being analysed
Kits not bits - fast tracking edge AI development with ease and no risk
By Harvey Wilson   -   September 16, 2024
Technical article
This article looks at how these modules have evolved from development tools, for teaching and prototyping, to enterprise-quality components that can simplify your product development while meeting industrial standards.
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The Arduino Pro ecosystem
Accelerating the Development of “Smart” Industrial Equipment
By Harvey Wilson   -   September 16, 2024
Technical article
This article elaborates challenges before discussing how the Arduino product portfolio and ecosystem accelerates time to market.
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Close-up of automated machinery with robotic arms and circular glass components
Defect visual inspection using AI enables multiple emerging markets
By Michaël Uyttersprot   -   August 8, 2024
Technical article
Machine vision is enabling many existing and emerging markets. Security, manufacturing and industrial automation all use machine vision. Adding artificial intelligence (AI) inferencing at the sensor provides many benefits. Industrial automation combines ...
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laptop with graphic overlay
How is AI changing the electronics industry?
By Philip Ling   -   May 22, 2024
Technical article
Artificial intelligence has the potential to influence every part of any company. As a trusted partner and leader in technology, Avnet has a responsibility to its customers and suppliers to consider the impact of AI from all angles.
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Why AI and embedded design share the same DNA
By Philip Ling   -   May 22, 2024
Technical article
Intelligence comes in many forms. More of us are interacting with devices that appear to understand us. What and how they understand depends on the technology inside. How are embedded engineers implementing intelligence?
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Why AI must redefine processor architectures
By Philip Ling   -   May 22, 2024
Technical article
Artificial neural networks are complex, multi-layered and multi-dimensional arrays of interconnected numerical values. Executing the math behind those connections is at the heart of AI. This math is unlike any other in the digital domain.
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Patients using continuous passive motion machines in a medical setting
Learn how AI and the latest CPM technologies optimize patient rehabilitation
By Avnet Staff   -   February 21, 2024
Technical article
Continuous passive motion (CPM) is now a critical part of patient rehabilitation. New technologies, including artificial intelligence, are helping medical OEMs take the next step to optimize patient therapy.
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5G mast in a cityscape at night
What is the impact of using AI in 5G networks
By Avnet Staff   -   August 22, 2023
Technical article
AI is impacting the performance, security and maintenance of 5G networks. Network operators are racing to reap the benefits. AI promises to deliver returns on network investment and improve the end-customer experience along the way.
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AI/ML DVI camera
Advancing quality control: The Evolution, Impact and Future of Defect Visual Inspection (DVI) in Manufacturing
By Michaël Uyttersprot   -   July 26, 2023
Technical article
In the complex realm of manufacturing, Defect Visual Inspection (DVI) has emerged as a critical process, evolving significantly over time.
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A brain holograph over an MCU chip
Placing greater intelligence at the edge
December 15, 2022
Technical article
With the number of connected nodes that make up the Internet of Things (IoT) growing on a daily basis, it is universally accepted that the way in which machine learning (ML) inferencing is executed has to change.
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