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HMI & Other Sensors

From sensors designed to enhance user experience, to high-resolution image sensors, passing through to current sensors. This category collects all the other types of sensors not included in motion and environmental sensor categories. 

HMI Product Matrix (LC)

HMI & Other Sensor Product Matrix

  HMI sensor product categories
Touch Sense I/F
PIR Controllers
3D Sensing
Diodes Incorporated          
Monolithic Power Systems          

onsemi Image Sensors (MM)

Image Sensors for Low Light Imaging

While capturing a still image or a video clip on a bright, sunny day can be straightforward, the situation becomes much more complicated when lighting is uncontrolled.  A street at night, an underground garage, a dark corner with little illumination – these are the type of situations where a standard image sensor may not be sufficient.

Fortunately, several different technologies are available which can enhance an image sensor’s ability to successfully capture an image under these types of challenging lighting. onsemi has implemented these technologies – and more – in a portfolio of image sensors designed for use in challenging lighting conditions. See how these advanced devices, available from Avnet Silica, can help solve your low-light imaging needs.

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Current Sensing (MM)

Current Sensing Technical Guide

In the rapidly evolving world of electronics, the role of current sensing has become incredibly important. Current sensing is the heartbeat of electronic devices, helping them work efficiently, safely, and at their best.

At its core, current sensing is all about measuring how electricity flows in devices. It acts as the eyes and ears of modern electronics, providing real-time insights into how devices consume and distribute power. This information empowers engineers and designers to optimize performance, enhance energy efficiency, and ensure the safety of both the devices themselves and the people who use them.

Learn more about current sensing applications, the types of current sensors and their benefits and current sense amplifiers. 

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