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Motion Sensors

MEMS motion sensors, hall effect sensors and inductive sensors. This category combines all the sensors used to sense motion, vibration, acceleration, rotation and position.

Motion sensors are revolutionary devices designed to detect movement in their surrounding environment. Whether it's for enhancing security measures, automating everyday tasks, or monitoring activity in a given space, motion sensors play a pivotal role in modern technology.

Motion sensors find applications across various domains, from home automation to industrial settings. In smart homes, motion sensors are utilised to automate lighting systems, turning lights on or off based on occupancy, thereby enhancing energy efficiency and convenience. Moreover, they serve as integral components of security systems, triggering alarms or activating surveillance cameras upon detecting suspicious movement, thus bolstering safety measures.

  Motion sensor product categories
Hall / Magnetic
Diodes Incorporated        
Monolithic Power Systems (MPS)        

Inductive Rotary Encoders (MM)

Inductive Rotary Encoders – A Low-Cost Alternative to Optical Systems

As the boundaries between the real world and the virtual world blur, the significance of sensors grows. Rotary encoders are particularly important because they convert the angular position or motion of a rotating shaft or axle to a digital output that can drive a control loop.

Inductive encoders, with their flexibility, robustness, and ability to deliver high resolution with careful design, are an increasingly practical, lower-cost alternative to optical encoders in many applications.

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Featured Solutions

NCS32100 (MM)

NCS32100 - Industrial Dual Inductive Rotary Position Sensor

onsemi has been developing inductive sensors for automotive for over 20 years and have now adopted a new approach that is designed for high-accuracy and high-speed industrial applications. Benefits include: 

  • High-accuracy (typical spec +/- 50 arcsec, precision alignment accuracy +/- 15-20 arcsec)
  • High reliability (not sensitive to temperature, vibration, magnetic fields or contaminants such as liquids, dirt and dust)
  • Low cost (taking the supporting circuitry and PCBs into account)
  • Flexible sensor diameter options (current reference design uses 38mm diameter sensor, but there are other sensor options)
  • High speed (up to 100,000 RPM)
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LSM6DSOX - For Consumer / IoT Applications

iNEMO 6DoF inertial measurement unit (IMU), with Machine Learning Core, Finite State Machine and advanced Digital Function. For battery-operated IoT, Gaming, Wearable and Consumer Electronics. Ultra-low power and high accuracy. 

The LSM6DSOX supports main OS requirements, offering real, virtual and batch sensors with 9 kbytes for dynamic data batching. ST’s family of MEMS sensor modules leverages the robust and mature manufacturing processes already used for the production of micromachined accelerometers and gyroscopes. The various sensing elements are manufactured using specialized micromachining processes, while the IC interfaces are developed using CMOS technology that allows the design of a dedicated circuit which is trimmed to better match the characteristics of the sensing element.

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ISM33 (MM)

ISM330DHCX - For Industrial Applications

The ISM330DHCX is a system-in-package featuring a high-performance 3D digital accelerometer and 3D digital gyroscope tailored for Industry 4.0 applications. ST’s family of MEMS sensor modules leverages the robust and mature manufacturing processes already used for the production of micromachined accelerometers and gyroscopes.

The various sensing elements are manufactured using specialized micromachining processes, while the IC interfaces are developed using CMOS technology that allows the design of a dedicated circuit which is trimmed to better match the characteristics of the sensing element.

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Datasheet NCS (GBLS)

Download the datasheet

Download the full NCS32100 datasheet here and see the full list of benefits and features. Includes accuracy over eccentricity, temperature, air gap variation and noise performance. 


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