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Health, fitness and wellbeing are all important facets of modern life - and the next generation technology now starting to be introduced is providing a way to enhance all three of these. In the past, healthcare was predominantly dealt with in clinical settings such as hospitals, medical centres, or specialist practices. Now, these activities are being complemented by ones that are conducted in the domestic environment. In addition, advances in consumer wearables means that people can keep better informed of key physical parameters and look to improve their fitness levels.

EBV Elektronik has long-standing supply chain partnerships with key component vendors serving both the medical and fitness markets. These include AMD-Xilinx, ams OSRAM, Broadcom, EBVChips, Infineon, ISSI, Microchip, Micron, NXP, onsemi, Samsung, STMicroelectronics, Toshiba and Vishay. There are complementary franchises from Laird, Luminus and Murata that strengthen our capabilities even further. 

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Applications & Products


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Imaging systems

Image of Portable Equipment Icon

Portable equipment

Image of Implantable Technology icon

Implantable technology

Image of Asset Tracking icon

Asset tracking

Image of Home Monitoring Equipment icon

Home monitoring equipment

Image of Wearable Monitoring Devices & Fitness Trackers icon

Wearable monitoring devices & Fitness trackers



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Home-Based healthcare

Electronic hardware is enabling highly detailed home-based monitoring, via which data on acute or chronic medical conditions such as cardiovascular, respiratory, or renal, can be obtained. This data can then be studied by the assigned healthcare professional or caregiver. Monitoring procedures may also be automated, with artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms being used to look for irregularities that might be a cause for concern, then flagging them.

Home monitoring equipment can be in the form of either portable units or body-worn solutions. Among the parameters that may be measured are heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and pulse oximetry. There is a broad range of sensors and wireless transceivers available from EBV for these purposes. Monitoring through use of cameras or thermal image sensors distributed around the home can also help to extend independent living for the elderly or infirm. It means that a caregiver or relative can check that the day-to-day behavioural patterns of the person being monitored are occurring as normal. Such home-based behavioural monitoring will require imaging solutions and power-efficient AI accelerator chips.

As well as monitoring, there are increasing opportunities for medical treatments to be carried out in the home. This means that patients with long-term health issues will be able to avoid spending prolonged periods in hospitals. Examples of this include people suffering from kidney failure being able to benefit from home-based dialysis, plus use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) equipment to combat the effects of sleep apnoea.

The use of wireless devices, plus MEMS accelerometers and flow sensors, can help to ensure medication adherence - something that has been identified as a major problem in the healthcare sector, with reports stating that fewer than half of patients are keeping to their medication regimes or administering doses in the right way. Through use of this technology, it can firstly be checked that patients are taking their medication at the correct time and with the correct frequency, and that the dosage is being applied in the proper manner and will therefore have the expected effect. This can be applied to inhalers for asthma sufferers, insulin pens for diabetics, and various other kinds of drug administering devices.

Body-worn monitoring equipment and fitness trackers need to be lightweight, compact, and comfortable to wear. This means that the electronic components selected for such designs must have small physical dimensions. Among the components involved will be sensors, ultra-low power wireless-enabled microcontroller units (MCUs) and non-volatile memories. Trusted platform module (TPM) MCUs or secure element chips will be essential if secure data transactions are to be assured.


Clinical environment

Hospitals are large scale and highly complex operations with huge amounts of equipment being utilised on a daily basis, with items often being moved from one place to another. Accurate asset tracking is therefore very important. Through the use of UWB, BLE or NFC, staff can be kept up to date about the position of vital pieces of equipment around the site. This means that specific items can be quickly accessed when needed in an emergency, as well as safeguarding them against potential loss or risk of theft.

Portable equipment will be used throughout hospital wards, as well as by paramedic teams out in the field responding to call-outs. Often this equipment will be battery-operated, so strong power efficiency characteristics will be mandated. Here, once again, ultra-low power digital and analogue ICs will need to be selected.

Preventing the spread of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and COVID-19 within hospitals and other healthcare operations is a key concern for medical professionals, so that they can make certain vulnerable patients are not put in danger. Through exposure to photons of UV-C light (with wavelengths in the 100nm to 280nm region) DNA/RNA replication processes can be inhibited and viruses made inactive. Consequently, interest in its use for disinfecting surfaces and sterilised equipment is increasing.


UV-C Surface disinfection demonstrator Units from EBV

Featuring advanced technology from numerous key EBV’s supply partners, we can now offer our UV-C surface disinfection demonstrator units. These units are helping to combat the spread of infection and make hospitals safer.


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Why EBV?

EBV can already claim a multitude of successes in the medical sector. We have worked with companies on developing systems for use in surgery - including surgical beds, various surgical instruments, and the lamps utilised in surgical rooms. We are currently seeing a rapidly growing number of opportunities opening up in relation to the imaging and processing technology needed for endoscopy, CT scanners, X-ray machines, and ultrasound systems. Furthermore, our UV-C disinfection hardware can be used in clinical as well as non-clinical environments - enabling both surfaces and items of equipment to be kept free from potential pathogens.

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Healthcare partners
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Services Healthcare (LC)


Case Studies & Services

Healthcare and Wearables Cosinuss (GBL)

Case Study


Cosinuss° Engages EBV to Develop a Wearable IoT Device to Monitor Vital Signs

EBV - Healthcare - TQ Edge Computing (GBL)

The Quintessence of Edge Computing

Greater Efficiency in Healthcare with Wearables and Smart Assistants

Not only can wearables today record vital data, they can also analyse this information instantly. smart assistants support employees in healthcare in an incredible variety of ways.

The Quintessence (GBL) grey


The Quintessence

Discover TQ - the free knowledge magazine from EBV

Healthcare and Wearables Simyball (GBL)

Case Study


EBV Takes Away Stress of IoT Product Development for SimyLife

EBV - Healthcare - ams OSRAM UV-C (GBL)

Ultraviolet Light. UV-C LEDs from ams OSRAM.

Light for making our world healthier and improve human well-being is part of our mission.

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EBV Podcast

Our new podcast Passion for Technology is dedicated to the latest technologies, trends and applications in the electronics industry.

EBV - Medical - Article - Vital signs monitoring (GBL)


Bringing Vital Signs Monitoring into the Wearable Domain

This article investigates the validity of moving vital signs monitoring out of the clinical environment and making it more reliant on wearable devices.

EBV - Healthcare - UV Desinfection (GBL)

UV Disinfection Demo

Surface disinfection with UV-C LEDs on the next level.

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Digital Event Hub

See all our on demand webinars and check out our upcoming events.

EBV - Healthcare - Superpower for all of us (GBL)

Blog article

Superpower for All of Us

Technology is getting more and more intelligent and is increasingly influencing our daily lives – “The Quintessence” roundtable discussion.

EBV - Healthcare - RE01-256K (GBL)

Renesas RE01-256K

Ultra low power microcontroller with the leading EEMBC ULPMark™ benchmark of 705.

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