Smart Products: Implementing IoT Technologies | Avnet Silica
Smart Products: Implementing IoT Technologies | Avnet Silica

Smart Products: Implementing IoT Technologies

Photo of bicycle with smart technology screen

Companies are working on IoT technologies to enhance their solutions. You find such smart products everywhere: Energy, robots, toys, vehicles and many more.


More than a Bus

German developer ElectricBrands has given an odd name to its latest vehicle: eBussy (electric bus system) which it claims to be the most innovative and modular light vehicle in the world. With more than 10 modular, interchangeable bodies and standard or off-road chassis options, eBussy can be transformed into a delivery van, station wagon, pick-up truck, camper van and, of course, a minibus in just a few steps. The eBussy has a permanent, electronically controlled all-wheel drive and “unique all-steering system”, as well as digital exterior mirrors and app-controlled communication system.

With the help of integrated solar modules and recuperating drives (regenerative breaking), it can easily cover a daily range of up to 200 km. The maximum range without charging, when the battery is full and the solar modules are working, is over 600 km. Without batteries, load or superstructure, the weight of the vehicle is 450 kg to 600 kg, depending on the transformation set used, and it is able to carry a load of up to 1,000 kg. Electric Brands plans to start shipping in late summer of 2021 with a starting price of €15,800.

Smart Products - Implementing IoT Technologies eBussy bus

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Smarter controls for eBike

Smart Products - Implementing IoT Technologies Bosch ebike nyon trekking

Bosch’s Nyon onboard computer will make e-biking significantly smarter. The new controller is fully connected to the digital world of Bosch eBike Systems and automatically synchronizes the ride data using the associated Connect app and online portal. During the ride, the computer shows e-bikers the route to follow, provides fitness data for the workout, and lets them know how much longer they may ride in the selected sup-port mode. The Nyon has a 3.2-inch color display that works even in rainy and dusty conditions. The display brightness and backlight automatically adjust to suit ambient light levels.

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A Lighter Price Tag

Smart Products - Implementing IoT Technologies Treat life
Allen Zhong, CEO and founder of Treatlife, has big plans: “My vision is to make smart-home technology accessible to all – we focus on making high quality, easy to use smart-lighting devices at a fraction of the price. We relentlessly keep costs low and sell our products directly so we can pass our savings on to our customers.” The company’s products work seamlessly together without the need for a hub and are free of any subscription charges. At $36.99 for a four pack, Treatlife’s Smart Light Bulbs are afford-able, easy to set up and completely customizable, the company claims. These can be complemented with a Three-Way Smart Dimmer Switch at $29. All products can be controlled through Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant or Treatlife’s free smartphone app. Currently the products can be ordered in the US and Canada, with distribution in other countries expected soon.

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Subscription Devices for Zoom rooms

Smart Products - Implementing IoT Technologies neat zoom
Smart Products Implementing IoT Technologies - neat zoomNorwegian company Neat has been a specialist in video communications for decades and it is now offering a subscription service it calls Neat as a Service (NaaS). This allows Zoom video conferencing customers, outside the US, to deploy Neat’s hardware devices in their meeting spaces. These tools include Bar, a speaker system incorporating a webcam; Board, a multitouch video screen which doubles as a whiteboard; and Pad, a handy tablet alternative to Board which can also be positioned outside the meeting room as an electronic noticeboard to show conferencing schedule and other information.Neat claims that a subscription is a good solution for customers with offices and teams scattered throughout different countries because it can ensure a consistent global experience for all users. Video conferencing has proved to be a key tool in supporting continued productivity and driving stronger collaboration during the Covid-19 pandemic. Zoom expects subscription models like this to be the future of video conferencing by eliminating up-front costs, reducing the complexity of deployment, and simplifying ongoing support. Customers currently paying for Zoom Rooms licenses can now add a NaaS subscription to make the budgeting and managing of their Zoom facility even simpler.

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A Coding Robot for Families

Smart Products - Implementing IoT Technologies iRobot root
The customizable Root rt0 Coding Robot brings classroom learning into any home for a price starting at $129. Coding has become a 21st century skill, as fundamental as reading, writing and math, and iRobot is looking for ways to teach children of any skill-level to code. The Root rt0 is a two-wheeled, mobile platform that operates on a flat surface. It comes to life – drawing, making music or exploring its surroundings – through commands given by the user in the coding app. iRobot Coding is designed to be easily approachable for beginners and, when coders gain experience, they may seamlessly ‘level up’ to more advanced programming. The robot comes with hours of lessons, projects and activities that support both individuals and group participation. The company also introduced its Brick Top accessory for $20 to turn the Root robot into a mobile catapult, a robotic arm, a roaming music DJ, or even a glowing rocket ship.

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Kumpan Electric

Electric Scooters Accelerate Change

Smart Products - Implementing IoT Technologies Kuman electric

Personal transport is transforming and German startup Kumpan Electric wants to accelerate this change with its range of electric motor scooters. The latest models form the 54i range and for it Kumpan focused on the needs of consumers looking for a high-quality, entry-level model. The company says its scooter is controlled through an intuitive seven-inch touch display with three different driving modes – Comfort, Eco and Rain. The series consists of four models: Inspire, Iconic, Impulse and Ignite. The first two belong to vehicle group L1e with a top speed of 45 km/h. The Impulse (70 km/h) and Ignite (100 km/h) models are L3e class and will be available towards the end of 2020. The Inspire and Iconic are available now and prices start at €3,999.

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An Even Smarter Watch

Smart Products - Implementing IoT Technologies Samsung Smart Watch 3
Korean tech-giant Samsung, one of the most successful manufacturers of smart watches, has hailed its Galaxy Watch3 as “a next-generation smart watch that combines timeless craftsmanship with cutting-edge health and wellness features.”The standard version is made of stainless steel and high-quality leather but a premium titanium model is also available. This third generation device is 14 percent thinner, eight percent smaller and 15 percent lighter than the original Galaxy Watch.The Watch3 uses a rotating bezel to toggle between widgets, open apps or to scroll through notifications. Among the new features is the option to measure blood oxygen saturation and the new Health Monitor app also allows blood-pressure monitoring and electro-cardiogram readings to be recorded in markets where these features are authorized. For older and unstable users, an automatic SOS-notification can be sent to chosen contacts if the wearer should fall.The watch will seamlessly interact with other Samsung Galaxy devices and calls may be received by hand gestures like clenching and unclenching a fist. The watch is available at prices between $400 and $500.

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Typing Your Podcast Speech

Descript, known for its AI-powered audio editing software, has added a tier of subscription for its podcast creation system, under the name Descript Pro. In addition to a basic recording environ-ment, Descript Pro includes a synthesis tool with which users can create their own AI voice double – the company compares it with creating an audio-only “deep fake.” This puts audio editing on a par with collaborative word processing apps, like Google Docs or Microsoft Word, by allowing a team to edit the text of a transcribed audio recording. The entered changes are then automatically voiced in the audio playback by seamlessly inserting the original author’s synthesized voice. The software also allows filler-word handling, which detects and deletes words such as “um,” “you know,” “like,” and “kind of,” to make recordings sound smoother and more professional. The subscription price for Descript Pro is $30 for one month, reduced to $24 per month if billed annually.

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Skyline Technologies

Tall Order for Window Cleaning Robot

Smart Products - Implementing IoT Technologies Skyline Robot

While some companies have already come up with window-cleaning robots for houses or flats, Israeli startup Skyline Technologies has higher aspirations. With a combination of artificial intelligence and state-of-the-art robotics and sensors, Skyline’s Ozmo is able to clean buildings up to the height of skyscrapers without the need to change or add to any existing cradles. The robot learns the building’s facade, detecting nuances of complex architecture, to enable it to devise the most effective cleaning path. The service is aimed at maintenance companies, property managers and owners. Skyline claims that its service is up to six times faster than traditional window cleaning – as well as being safer and cleaner. There is still the need for staff to set up the system and Skyline claims it is employing former window cleaners to do the job.

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Smart Products: Implementing IoT Technologies | Avnet Silica

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Smart Products: Implementing IoT Technologies | Avnet Silica
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