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Technology examples: Medical

Our service and application support combines global coverage with in-depth understanding and analysis of technology developments and future business opportunities. Read more about various RF & microwave technology examples in the fields of

Medical Monitoring Devices (MM)

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Medical monitoring devices

Extend the Body Area Network (BAN) with various wireless sensors

Whether above or (at an increased cost) under water: with the appropriate sensors, algorithms, and sensor data fusion, completely new applications can be realised, extending as far as the Body Area Network (BAN) with various sensors, where, for preference, the sensors communicate with the receiver devices wirelessly and hence using RF technology. Even devices used in prevention now employ RF solutions. Thermometers, scales, body fat scales, simple blood pressure and blood glucose meters as well as professional devices to monitor physical activity are autonomously operating units, but the trend is for data transmission over wireless interfaces such as BLE to a smartphone or tablet, where the data can be evaluated using apps.


All medical imaging procedures would be infeasible without RF semiconductors

From ultrasound, through X-rays, Computer Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Tomography (MRT) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) to Positron Emission Tomography (PET) our RF portfolio includes RF semiconductors from commercial grade or high reliability discretes as well integrated power amplifiers and digital attenuators. While there already exist highly integrated front-end components, especially for portable ultrasound devices, which already reproduce a large part of the functionality, in large CT, MRI, NMR and PET devices, discrete RF semiconductors are still in demand, where sometimes even high-performance transistors are connected in parallel in order to amplify the RF signals generated by processors and microcontrollers correspondingly.This often requires RF in the SW area.

Personal Health and Fitness (MM)

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Personal health and fitness

ANT (+) standard, but in the future increasingly BLE are ruling gyms pulse rate meters

In gyms pulse rate meters are widespread. The transmission between the chest belt and a display unit in the shape of a wristwatch (sports watch) is wireless, being still mainly under the ANT (+) standard, but in the future, increasingly, via BLE. With the appropriate underwater wireless solution, divers can also see live information on their heart rate, oxygen saturation, etc., in addition to standard information such as current depth, (remaining) bottom-time, tank pressure etc., on their own dive computers. In the professional medical field, there are also many applications that use a data connection via an RF link. Some of these applications are not feasible at all without RF technology. A good example is a camera capsule for the examination of the small intestine. The patient swallows the miniature camera as a pill. During its journey through the small intestine, which cannot be viewed from the inside using conventional non-surgical methods, the mini camera continuously takes photographs, which are then transmitted by radio in the 400 MHz band through the abdominal wall to the outside. The next generation of these ‘pill’ cameras will even be controllable from the outside using RF technology so that at this stage in the development there will also be a bi-directional data transfer through the abdominal wall. Another good example of RF applications in medicine is the sticker or patch sensor, which is stuck to the skin in ECG recordings and transmits data over a short range by radio to a recording box. The new all-purpose sports watches with built-in pulse rate monitor, barometer, GPS tracking and computer interface are inconceivable without RF devices.