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Infineon Wireless Charging

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Go wireless with Infineon!

Imagine a world without tangled cables

Yes, Infineon is the number one in power. And that is why we strive to become your first choice when it comes to wireless power transfers. Let us revolutionize together the charging of batteries – at fastest speed, with maximum convenience, and no more security leaks. Whether at home, at work, in the car or on the go – the exponentially growing number of battery powered portable devices urges the industry to come up with non-wired electrical powering solutions that respond to this trend. We at Infineon are already at the forefront of technology developments in this field covering consumer, industrial, and the automotive applications. Explore our offering and take the comfort from getting all out of one expert’s hand!

How does wireless charging work and what are the challenges?

Image of How does wireless charging work

The development of safe and efficient wireless charging technologies requires a deep level of system knowledge and expertise in the pick-up of antenna signals and the interaction with the surrounding structures. Another key success factor is the precise control of the power delivery. If done incorrectly or without certification the consequences may be: compatibility and safety issues, insufficient thermal management during charging, reduced efficiency and increased charging time, or even damage to the device and/or the battery.

Image of Overview industry standards

Infineon is an active member of the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) and the AirFuel Alliance, and is contributing to shape the wireless charging trends of tomorrow. Knowing that the steady growing consumer awareness and increasing utilization open up new potential opportunities for various use cases, Infineon is getting prepared to offer various wireless charging solutions based on the leading standards.







As of today Infineon’s wireless charging roadmap looks as follows*:

Image of Wireless charging overview
*For more information and availability of reference designs contact EBV’s sales experts.

Customers opting for Infineon’s wireless power solutions benefit from:

  • Compatibility with the leading standards – inductive & resonant
  • Innovative, smart & high performance designs supported by unique wireless power controllers
  • Automotive and industrial qualified components and solutions
  • Reduced BOM with leading silicon technology and upcoming new technologies (such as gallium nitride)
  • Meeting charging requirements while ensuring better user experience
  • Strong and experienced partners


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EBV - Infineon Wireless Charging - Webinar (GBLS)

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Developing Safe and Efficient Wireless Charging Designs

Register for this webinar and go wireless - at faster speed, with maximum convenience, and without security leaks. Learn about key market standards and the development of efficient and safe designs.